In 2010 the association was founded
On the 7th of February, 2010, Caroline Pollastri, Sandra Amrein, Marco Pollastri, Ursina Punter and Oscar Tasse founded the association “Casa des Anges”- “House of Angels”. At the same time Marie Timnou, Raphael Tschuinte, Michel Mbouwe, Euphrasie Foppa and Rigobert Thapdieu founded an association of the same name for the operational management on site in Cameroon.
In the spring of 2010, the board of “Casa des Anges” Switzerland traveled with large suitcases, which were filled with toys, clothes and medicine, to Cameroon for two weeks, in order to get to know the children and assess the situation on site. It was clear to everyone that the children suffered poverty and action had to be taken immediately. The children were malnourished and often sick. The accommodation of the 24 orphans was in disrepair, there was no running water, and neither sanitation nor hygiene could be guaranteed. They lived on the bare floor and the flee beetles nesting were causing infections.
As a first step, the association acquired a property in Bayangam on which a new children’s home would be built.
2010Casa des Anges Schweiz trifft Casa des Anges Kamerun |
2010Besuch beim Chef de Bayangam |
2010Vorstand mit BetreuerInnen und Kindern |
2010Vor dem Wohnhaus |
2010Pause auf der Balustrade |
2010Die Jungs |
2010Die zwei Ältesten, Maiva und Blaise |
2010Die kleine Joyce |
2010Die Mädels |
2010Rochenel, der kleine Schelm |
2010Constantin, der jüngste |
2010Trost bei Mama Caroline |
2010Belvira - sie konnte mit 6 noch nicht gehen |